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Plenary Talk Lester Mackey
Lester Mackey | Advances in Distribution Compression
Lester Mackey: Kernel Thinning and Stein Thinning
CAM Colloquium - Lester Mackey (10/29/21)
Lester Mackey: Kernel Thinning and Stein Thinning
Lester Mackey, Stanford University - Stanford Big Data 2015
Kernel Thinning and Stein Thinning
Plenary Talk - Gwendolyn Wright
2019 M25G Plenary Talk Herb Panel
Improving Subseasonal Forecasting in the Western U.S. with Machine Learning
Lit-Treat Day 2: Plenary Talk - 2: Dr. Samuel Sandweiss
Distributed Architectures Part 3 - Michael Jordan - MLSS 2017